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Reading the Artist #6 | Helmut Newton

Wed, May 11



The sixth of the Reading the Artist events at Ka continues with a reading by art critic and writer İlker Cihan Biner on the groundbreaking photographer Helmut Newton, who is known for his provocative, groundbreaking photography that has inspired an entire genre.

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Reading the Artist #6 | Helmut Newton
Reading the Artist #6 | Helmut Newton

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May 11, 2022, 7:30 PM – 10:05 PM GMT+3

Ka, Çankaya, Cinnah Cd. No:1 D:B, 06690 Çankaya/Ankara, Türkiye

Etkinlik Hakkında

Reading the Artist: Helmut Newton by İlker Cihan Biner


11.05.2022, Wednesday 7.30pm


The sixth of the Reading the Artist events at Ka continues with a reading by art critic and writer İlker Cihan Biner on the groundbreaking photographer Helmut Newton, who is known for his provocative, groundbreaking photography that has inspired an entire genre.


Ilker Cihan Biner was born in 1984 in Iskenderun. He graduated from the Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Law. His participation in the workshops of thinkers such as Giorgio Agamben and Antonio Negri in Italy was a turning point in his life. As a matter of fact, after a short experience as a lawyer, he turned to being an art critic and a writer. He wrote articles on contemporary politics and art in Agos and Bianet. He also wrote art articles for Istanbul Art News for about 5 years. He has been writing a column called "Kıvrım" in Art Unlimited for 6 years. He also writes exhibition reviews on Art Unlimited's website. While he writes literary reviews in Gazeteduvar and k24, he occasionally writes on fashion and culture in Vogue Turkey. Finally, he started to write articles on Nft and digital art on the platform called Nftify Turkey.



This event is funded by the International Relief Fund for Organizations in Culture and Education 2021 of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institut and other partners. #irf2021 *


The talk will be held in Turkish without translation, but the video recording of this event will be available soon.

*** © Helmut Newton, Yves St. Laurent, Rue Aubriot, French Vogue, Paris, 1975


#ka #ankara #visualculture #readingtheartist #ilhancihanbiner #helmutnewton


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