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Theater | Onikinci Ev - June 17

Fri, Jun 17



The Twelfth House, which will take place for the first time in Ka, is a female narrative that takes place in a performative space.

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Theater | Onikinci Ev - June 17
Theater | Onikinci Ev - June 17

Saat ve Yer

Jun 17, 2022, 8:00 PM – 11:50 PM GMT+3

Ka, Çankaya, Cinnah Cd. No:1 D:B, 06690 Çankaya/Ankara, Türkiye

Etkinlik Hakkında

Theater play

Onikinci Ev

17.06.2022 Friday 20:00

Duration: One-act 70’

A conversation with Onikinci Ev team will be held after the play.

Onikinci Ev is a female narrative which takes place in a performative space. The play aims to convey the narrative embedded in the autobiographic texts that the narrator/actor Melek Ceylan has produced through one-on-one work with Muruvet Esra Yıldırım, the first Guided Autobiography instructor in our country, in performative ways. Onikinci Ev, directed by Salih Usta, is a narrative in which sound and corporeality are completely fictionalized based on the presence of the actor. As a way of using the space, the "Stüdyo Sahnesi" at the Moda Sahnesi is important as the area that creates the spark of the play.

"Then… I have hands. I have eyes, lips, breath. I have songs. I have a voice! Is it enough? Not."

The story of a woman trying to find her voice... The narrator, who seeks a way to tell the houses, the cities and the stories she carries from the past, tries to create a voice from the silence and an action from the glance. Onikinci Ev, created by using autobiographic pieces from the life of the actress, is an effort to establish a dialogue with the audience. For anyone looking for their voice…

Director: Salih Usta

Actress: Melek Ceylan

Dramaturgy: Yaşam Özlem Gülseven

Text-Content Advisor: Mürüvet Esra Yıldırım

Movement Design: Dilan Yoğun

Costume Design: Hilal Polat

Lighting Design: Utku Kara

Condition: Selin Aldoğan

Assistants: Burcu Kaya, Sevda Yeliz Nar, Tutku Aksu

Communication Advisor: Zeynep Nur Ayanoğlu

Photography: Orçun Kaya

Poster Designer: Müjde Başkale




  • Buy Ticket

    Participation is limited to 30 people due to the Covid-19. Ka's Patreon supporters have a special discount for participation in the event. HES code information and proof of complete vaccination are required for all participants.

    TRY 90.00
    Sold Out
  • Öğrenci Bileti

    Etkinliğe katılım Covid-19 salgını nedeniyle 30 kişi ile sınırlıdır.

    TRY 60.00
    Sold Out

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Cinnah Caddesi 1/B, Çankaya
06690 Ankara TR  |
+90 312 465 01 25

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